Index to mentions of procedures

INDEX based on 85 entries describing procedures 11dec10 

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procedure                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   name                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ↓↓

-affect bridge building; 

-acceptance    see:arugamama; attention focusing; body skills training; education; harm reduction;mindfulness; morita therapy; imagery rehearsal;problem solving;self-control skills training;     

-ACT (acceptance & commitment therapy)    see: acceptance;cognitive defusion;self as context;values exploration & construction;   

-activation    see: behavioral activation;

-active listening    see: becoming the other; couple therapy; expressed empathy; imago relationship therapy; prolonged-grief therapy; task concentration training; triple-P positive parenting;

-adolescents, therapy for    see child interventions;

-affect-phobia reduction    see: free association; interpreting defenses against unpleasant feelings;

-alternative response training    see: assertiveness training;cognitive defusion;cognitive restructuring; distraction; habit reversal; harm reduction;imagery rehearsal;imagery rescripting;interpersonal therapy; mentalizing, promoting;prolonged exposure counterconditioning;reframe;ritual prevention; self-control skills training; task concentration training;

-analysis of conflicts & feelings    see: interpreting defenses against unpleasant feelings;

-anger management    see: body skills training;breathing retraining;compassion-focused therapy;diary keeping; education; exposure;family focused grief therapy;homework;interpersonal skills training;problem-solving; reframing;role play; social skills training; stress inoculation;

-anxiety management    see: family focused grief therapy;

-applied relaxation   see: attention focussing;body skills training;  breathing training, diary keeping;  feedback; homework; modeling;  relaxation; role play; stimulus control of worry;  

-applied tension training

-arugamama    see: acceptance; exposure; morita therapy;

-ask say do    see: triple-P positive parenting program;

-assertiveness training    see:cognitive restructuring;community reinforcement approach;contingency management; cool kids; education;experiment;feedback; goal planning & attainment; homework; modeling; imagery rehearsal; problem-solving; rational emotive therapy; role play; self-praise training; shaping; social skills training;  triple-P positive parenting; well-being therapy;

-assignments   see: homework

-attention training (focussing)    see: behavioral activation;danger ideation reduction;diary keeping; exposure; homework; imago relationship therapy;meditation; metacognitive therapy; mindfulness;  problem solving;self as context;self-control skills training;shaping; stimulus control of worry;task concentrationtraining; triple-P positive parenting;values exploration;                   

-autogenic training:   see: relaxation                                                                                                                  

-aversion therapy (chemical/covert sensitization/electric/fantasy/relief/response cost/rubber band/self/shame)    see: contingency management                                                                                                                                                        

-avoidance conditioning/trainingsee: aversion therapy; evoked response arousal plus sensitisation;

-awareness training    see: dialectical behavior therapy; discrimination training; dream interpretation; experiment; habit reversal; imago relationship therapy; method of levels; mindfulness training; self-control skills training; well-being therapy                                

-becoming the other    see:active listening; expressed empathy; internalized-other interviewing; psychodrama; two-chair dialogue

-behavioral activation    see:attention training;community reinforcement approach; contingency management;couple therapy;diary keeping; exposure; goal planning & attainment; homework; interpersonal skills training; mindfulness; morita therapy; motivational interviewing; promoting resilience;well-being therapy;        

-behavior analysis/assessment:   see chain analysis; community reinforcement approach; dialectical behavior therapy; functional analysis; habit reversal;

-behavioral experiment    see: experiment; exposure; cognitive restructuring;                                         

-behavioral programming    see: behavioral activation

-bell and pad therapy    see: biofeedback; bladder-control training; child; contingency management; drybed/drypants training; retention control training:

-bereavement care    see:grief therapy

-bibliotherapy    see: manual; workbook                                                                                                           


-bladder-control training     see: bell and pad therapy; child

-brainstorming    see:problem solving

-breathing training    see: anger management; applied relaxation; body-skills training; compassion focused therapy; coping cat; danger ideation reduction; dialectical behavior therapy; interoceptive exposure; habit reversal; mindfulness; promoting resilience; values exploration;                                                                                                                                                             

-body skills training    see: acceptance;applied relaxation;breathing training;compassion-focused therapy;coping cat;danger ideation reduction;education;exposure;habit reversal;imagery rehearsal;mindfulness; promoting resilience; self as context; self-control skills training;speech restructuring;            

-brainstorming    see:  problem solving;

-breathing training    see: anger management; applied relaxation; attention training;body skills training;danger ideation reduction;habit reversal;mindfulness;promoting resilience;speech restructuring;

-catastrophize    see: cognitive restructuring; exaggerate; paradoxical intention; thought disruption;

-catharsis therapy    see: emotion-focused therapy;

-CAVE    see: computer-aided vicarious exposure

-chain analysis    see: chaining, backward & forward; dialectical behavior therapy;

-chaining, backward & forward

-challenging    see: anger management; experiment; cognitive restructuring; coping cat; danger ideation reduction; dialectical behavior therapy; promoting mentalizing; metacognitive therapy; reciprocal change procedure; 

-circular questioning    see:family focused grief therapy

<form> </form>

-chair-talking     see: experiment;psychodrama;two-chair dialogue

-child interventions    see: bladder-control training; cool kids; coping cat; evoked response arousal+sensitisation; interpreting defenses; parent training;play; promoting resilience; puppet play; self-control skills training; sibling-fighting-reduction training; skills-directed therapy; task-concentration training; time-in management; triple-P positive parenting program;

-co-creative dialogue

-cognitive analytic therapy    see: reciprocal role procedure;

-cognitive biases    see:cognitive restructuring

-cognitive defusion     see: attention focusing; disrupting thoughts, exposure, modeling, reframing

-cognitive rehearsal    see: imagery guidance (rehearsal);  

-cognitive restructuring    see: assertiveness training; compassion-focused therapy; cool kids; coping cat;couple therapy; danger ideation reduction;dialectical behavior therapy;diary keeping; distancing;downward arrow; dream interpretation;experiment;externalize feelings & thoughts;family focused grief therapy;homework; imagery rescripting; inflated-responsibility reduction; linking.. relationships; metacognitive therapy; metaphor use; morita therapy; reframing;perspective;probalistic reasoning; problem solving; prolonged grief therapy; rational emotive therapy; reframe; schema-focused emotive behavior therapy; self-control skills training; self-instructional training; skills-directed therapy;socratic questioning; speech restructuring;stimulus control;thinking-error correction;transference interpretation; well-being therapy;        


-communication training    see: couple therapy; family focused grief therapy;imago relationship therapy; interpersonal skills training; interpersonal therapy; speech restructuring;

-community reinforcement approach    see: assertiveness training;behavioral activation; diary keeping; environmental change; goal planning & attainment; homework;interpersonal skills training; role play;stimulus control;

-compassion-focused therapy    see:acceptance; anger management; cognitive restructuring;empathy expression; imagery practice; meditation; mindfulness; validation of feelings; well-being therapy;

-competing response training    see: alternate response training

-compliance therapy

-compromise formation   see: interpreting defenses against unpleasant feelings;

-computer-aided therapy   see: CAVE; coping cat;internet-based therapy;

-computer-aided vicarious exposure(CAVE)   see:exposure;modeling;

-concretize    see: psychodrama;

-conditioning    see: contingency management; covert sensitization; prolonged exposure counterconditioning; time out;

-confrontation    see: exposure; implosion;

-contact desensitization    see:exposure;

-contracting     see: inflated-responsibility reduction;

-contingency management    see assertiveness training; behavioral activation; cool kids; coping cat;couple therapy;covert sensitization; dialectical behavior therapy;evoked response arousal + sensitization;family work for schizophrenia;habit reversal;imago relationship therapy;morita therapy; problem solving; prolonged grief therapy; promoting resilience; ritual prevention;self-control skills training;self-praise training; shame aversion; sibling fighting-reduction training;skills-directed therapy;solution-focused questioning;time-in management;time out;token economy; 

-cool kids    see assertiveness training; child intervention; cognitive restructuring; contingency management; coping cat; education; exposure; group;homework; modeling;parent training; reframe; relaxation; role play;  

-coping cat   see  body skills training; child intervention; cognitive restructuring;computer-aided therapy; contingency management;experiment; externalize thoughts & feelings; group; homework; imaginal & live exposure; reframe; role play;

-contracting    see: inflated-responsibility reduction; token economy;

-corrective experience/information    see: danger ideation reduction; educate; reframe; schema-focussed emotional behaviour therapy;

-correspondence training    see: writing

-cotherapist    see: couple/family involvement; habit reversal;

-cotherapy reevaluation counselling#   see: …

-counterconditioning    see: prolonged exposure counterconditioning; systematic desensitization;

-countertransference use    see: empathy expression;mentalizing, promoting;reciprocal role procedures;repairing rupture; time-boundary setting & interpreting;therapist’s self-instruction;transference interpretation;

-couple/family involvement    see: becoming the other; couple therapy; family focused grief therapy;family therapy for schizophrenia, fixed-role therapy, habit reversal;imago relationship therapy, internalized-other interviewing; interpersonal therapy; problem solving; repertory grid technique; role play; self-control skills training,

-couple therapy   see:active listening; behavioral activation; cognitive restructuring; communication training; contingency management; empathy expression; externalize feelings & thoughts; family; homework; interpersonal skills training; positive psychology; problem-solving; pros-and-cons analysis;socratic questioning;  

-coverant (covert operant) control     see: contingency management; covert sensitisation

-covert sensitisation    see: aversion therapy; avoidance conditioning; evoked response arousal + sensitisation; self-punishment; shame therapy

-cradling    see: imago relationship therapy;

-cue-controlled relaxation     see:applied relaxation; exposure;

-cueing    see:awareness training;externalizing feelings & thoughts;habit reversal

-danger ideation reduction therapy  see: attention focusing;body skills training; breathing training; cognitive restructuring; corrective information; educate; diary keeping; homework; modelling; probability estimation; rational emotive therapy; reframing; socratic questioning; 


-decisional balance   see: harm reduction;interpersonal therapy;motivational enhancement therapy; motivational interviewing; problem solving;

-delay    see: scheduling; stimulus control of worry;

-desensitisation    see: EMDR; exposure;

-dialectical behavior therapy    see: cognitive restructuring; contingency management; diary-keeping; exposure; harm reduction; homework; mindfulness; problem solving; reframe; role-play; self-control skills training; skills-directed therapy; social skills training.  

-*dialogue   see: experiment;externalize feelings & thoughts;imago relationship therapy; two-chair technique;

-diary keeping   see: attention focussing; behavioral activation;cognitive restructuring;community reinforcement approach; danger ideation reduction therapy;dialectical behavior therapy; guided mourning; habit reversal;homework; morita therapy;reciprocal role procedures; ritual prevention;self-control skills training;skills-directed therapy; task concentrationtraining; triple-P positive parenting; well-being therapy;

-differential attention/reinforcement    see: contingency management; time out

-directed reverie    see:imagery rehearsal;

-DIRT   see: danger ideation reduction therapy;

-discrimination training    see: awareness training; contingency management

-distance therapy    see:computer-aided vicarious exposure; internet-based therapy

-distancing   see: cognitive restructuring; family work for schizophrenia; life review therapy; perspective; reframe;

-distractionsee: alternative response;behavioral activation; cognitive defusion;imagery rehearsal;prolonged exposure counterconditioning;stimulus control of worry;

-double    see: psychodrama;

-downward arrow   see: cognitive restructuring; reframe;  

-drawing    see: promoting resilience in young children; skills-directed therapy; writing,

-dream control    see: dream discussion

-dream discussion    see: dream interpretation; imagery rehearsal; imagery rescripting; imago relationship therapy; mentalizing, promoting; schema-focussed emotional behavior therapy; transference interpretation;

-dream interpretation    see: dream discussion; mentalizing, promoting;    

-drybed/drypants training    see: retention control training

-education   see: assertiveness training;cool kids; danger ideation reduction therapy;exposure;family work for schizophrenia;habit reversal;harm reduction; inflated-responsibility reduction; internet therapy; motivational enhancement therapy; narrative exposure; problem solving; prolonged grief therapy; puppet play; schema-focused emotive behavior therapy; self-control skills training;skills-directed therapy;task concentrationtraining; triple-P positive parenting program;    

-EMDR     see:  eye movement desensitization and reprocessing

-emetic therapy    see: weight control

-emotion-focused therapy    see: evocative unfolding

-emotional-closure achievement    see: catharsis; guided mourning;psychodrama;

-empathize with others   see: becoming the other;empathy expression;promoting resilience in young children;  

-empathy dots   see: empathy expression; therapist’s self-instruction;

-empathy expression /training    see: becoming the other; compassion-focused therapy;countertransference use;couple therapy; empathy dots; guided mourning; imago relationship therapy; internalized-other interviewing; interpreting defenses against unpleasant feelings;metaphor use; motivational enhancement; motivational interviewing; prolonged grief therapy; promoting resilience;pros-&-cons review;reflection; repairing rupture; rolling with resistance; secondary-gain enquiry; successes enquiry; two-chair technique; validation of feelings;

-empty-chair technique    see: chair-talking; experiment; guided mourning;two-chair technique;  

-encounter group    see: sensitivity training; social skills training;

-environmental change    see: community reinforcement approach; couple/family involvement; family work for schizophrenia; habit reversal; interpersonal therapy; nidotherapy;promoting resilience; skills-directed therapy; teacher training;time-in management; token economy;triple-P positive parenting program;   

-e-therapy    see: internet-based therapy

-evocative unfolding    see: emotion-focused therapy

-evoked response arousal plus sensitization

-exaggerate    see: psychodrama; thought disruption;

-experiential exercise    see: values exploration & construction;

-experiment    see: assertiveness training;cognitive restructuring; coping cat;exposure; fixed-role therapy; metacognitive therapy; shaping;successive approximation; two-chair dialogue;        

-exposure    see: assertiveness training;attention training;behavioral activation;CAVE;cognitive defusion;community reinforcement approach; cool kids; coping cat; desensitisation;dialectical behavior therapy; experiment;exposure -EMDR,fantasy (imaginal, implosion), flooding, graded, interoceptive, live (in vivo), self; expressive writing therapy; guided mourning; metacognitive therapy; mindfulness; morita therapy; narrative exposure; paradoxical intention; prolonged exposure counterconditioning;promoting resilience;ritual prevention;solution-focused questioning; speech restructuring; stimulus control; task concentrationtraining; virtual-reality exposure;

-expressive writing therapy 

-eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR)    see: exposure;

-externalize feelings & thoughts    see: coping cat; couple therapy;dialogue;dream discussion; compassion-focused therapy; empathy expression; expressive writing;guided mourning; habit reversal;imago relationship therapy;internalized-other interviewing; internet-based therapy;interpersonal therapy;interpreting defenses;life review therapy; linking.. relationships; mentalizing, promoting; metacognitive therapy; metaphor use; method of levels;motivational enhancement;motivational interviewing;puppet play;reciprocal role procedures; repairing rupture; repertory grid technique;self as context;self-control skills training;skills-directed therapy;stimulus control of worry; task concentrationtraining; time-boundary setting;transference interpretation;two-chair dialogue;values exploration;well-being therapy;   

-extinction    see: contingency management; exposure; parent training;  

-eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)    see: exposure; 

-facial screening#  see: aversion; contingency management

-fading   see: desensitisation; graded exposure; successive approximation;

-false-attribution thinking    see: thinking-error correction; cognitive restructuring;

-family therapy   see: couple/family involvement; couple therapy; family focused grief therapy;parent training;ritual prevention;triple-P positive parenting;        

-family focused grief therapy   see: cognitive restructuring; distancing; exposure; grief therapy; guided mourning; life review therapy;perspective;problem solving;prolonged grief therapy; reframing;       

-Family Transitions    see:triple-P positive parenting;

-fantasy    see: aversion; covert sensitisation; exposure;imagery rehearsal; imagery rescripting; ;

-family work for schizophrenia    see: contingency management; education; environmental change; goal-planning & activity; interpersonal skills training; reframing;

-fantasy use    see: imagery;

-feedback   see: assertiveness training; biofeedback; mirroring; motivational enhancement therapy;prolonged exposure counterconditioning;repertory grid technique; solution-focused questioning;speech restructuring;

-fixed-role therapy    see: assertiveness training;experiment; homework; interpersonal skills training;  reframing; role play;social skills training; Tchudi’s ABC;writing

-float tank therapy    see: restricted environmental stimulation therapy; sensory isolation;

-flooding:    see: exposure; implosion

-focused pause

-free association   see: dream discussion; dream interpretation; interpreting defenses; life review therapy; method of levels; psychodynamic procedures; resistance; solution-focused questioning;transference interpretation;

-FRIENDS program   see: promoting resilience in young children;

-functional analysis    see: chain analysis; habit reversal; 

-functional analysis    see: behavioral analysis

-functional relaxation#    Claas Lahmann see: relaxation

-generalization    see: dialectical behaviour therapy; fixed-role therapy; habit reversal; promoting reliance; self-control skills training;

-genogram analysis    see: family focused grief therapy;

-gestalt therapy   see: psychodrama; two-chair technique;

-goal planning & attainment    see: assertiveness training;behavioral activation;community reinforcement approach; exposure; family work for schizophrenia; harm reduction; imago relationship therapy;internet-based therapy;mentalizing promotion; morita therapy;motivational interviewing;nidotherapy;problem solving;prolonged grief therapy; socratic questioning; solution-focused questioning; stimulus control of worry; task concentration training; token economy;triple-P positive parenting; values exploration; well-being therapy;   

-grief therapy    see: experiment; family focused grief therapy; guided mourning; internalized-other interviewing; narrative exposure; prolonged-grief therapy;

-group involvement    see: acceptance; anger management; applied relaxation; assertiveness training; behavioral activation; cognitive defusion; community reinforcement approach; compassion focused therapy; cool kids; coping cat; countertransference use; danger ideation reduction; dialectical behavior therapy; empathy expression; evoked response arousal + desensitisation; experiment; family work in schizophrenia; harm reduction; internalised-other interviewing; internet-based therapy; interpersonal therapy; linking …relationships; mentalizing, promoting; mindfulness; morita therapy; promoting resilience; psychodrama; repertory grid technique; schema-focused emotive behavior therapy;self as context; stimulus control of worry; task concentration training; time-in management; triple-P positive parenting; two-chair dialogue; validation of feelings;

-guided discovery    see: experiment

-guided mastery (participation)    see: exposure,live; mastery

-guided mourning    see: empathy expression; empty chair technique; exposure;externalise feelings & thoughts;family focused grief therapy; homework; narrative exposure; prolonged grief therapy; reframing; working through;writing;

-guided fantasy/imagery    see: aversion, fantasy;exposure, fantasy; imagery rehearsal; imagery rescripting

-habit reversal   see: alternative response; body skills training; breathing training; competing response; rehearsal; relapse prevention; relaxation; role play; shaping;

-habituation    see: exposure;

-happiness intervention    see: successes enquiry, triple-P positive parenting program, wellbeing therapy,

-harm reduction    see: acceptance; alternative response; decisional balance;dialectical behavior therapy; goal planning & attainment; interpersonal skills training; motivational interviewing; writing;

-hierarchy construction   see: exposure, live;

-high-energy fun    see: imago relationship therapy; warm-up;

-home observation    see: environmental change; triple-P positive parenting program

-homework    see: assertiveness training; attention training; behavioral activation; cognitive restructuring; community reinforcement approach; compassion-focused therapy; cool kids; coping cat; couple therapy; danger ideation reduction;dialectical behavior therapy; diary keeping; experiment;exposure;family work for schizophrenia;fixed-role therapy;habit reversal;hierarchy construction;imagery rehearsal therapy; imago relationship therapy;inflated-responsibility reduction;internet-based therapy;metacognitive therapy; mindfulness; morita therapy; motivational interviewing; problem solving; programmed practice; prolonged exposure counterconditioning;prolonged-grief therapy; ritual prevention;self-control skills training;self-praise training; skills-directed therapy; solution-focused questioning;speech restructuring;stimulus control of worry; task concentrationtraining; token economy;values exploration;well-being therapy; writing;


-hypothesis testing    see: experiment;

-imagery (fantasy)    see: compassion-focused therapy;experiment;exposure, interoceptive; imagery rehearsal; narrative exposure;prolonged exposure counterconditioning;self-control skills training; skills-directed therapy;

-imagery rehearsal (guidance)    see: acceptance; assertiveness training; compassion-focused therapy; experiential exercise; experiment; imago relationship therapy; imagery rehearsal therapy for nightmares; imagery rescripting; narrative exposure;prolonged exposure counterconditioning; promoting resilience;self-control skills training;skills-directed therapy;values exploration; well-being therapy; writing;

-imagery rescripting     see: cognitive restructuring; imagery rehearsal (guidance); reframe;rehearsal; socratic questioning; triumphant imagery; two-chair dialogue

-imago relationship therapy    see:active listening; attention focusing;contingency management;couple/family;couple therapy;cradling;dialogue; empathy expression;externalise feelings & thoughts;goal-planning & attainment; high-energy fun; imagery-rehearsal; interpersonal skills training; mirroring; positive flooding; psychodrama; reflection; relaxation; role play; social skills training;validate feelings;  

-implosion    see: flooding; imaginal exposure;

-impulse control    see: habit reversal;harm reduction;

-inference chaining    see: cognitive restructuring;

-inflated-responsibility reduction     see:cognitive restructuring; contracting, homework, pie chart, reframe,writing      

-instrumental (operant, Skinnerian) conditioning    see: contingency management;

-integrating memories    see: life review therapy; narrative exposure;

-interapy    see: internet-based therapy

-internalized-other interviewing    see: becoming the other; couple therapy; empathy expression; externalize feelings & thoughts; psychodrama; reframe; role play;   

-internet-based therapy    see:education; empathy expression; externalize feelings & thoughts; goal planning & attainment; group; homework; interpersonal skills training; moderated forum; social skills training      

-interpersonal skills training    see: behavioral activation;community reinforcement approach; couple therapy; family work for schizophrenia; fixed-role therapy; harm reduction; imago relationship therapy; internet-based therapy; interpersonal therapy; parent training; problem solving; promoting resilience; psychodrama; schema-focused emotive behavior therapy; self-praise training; sibling fighting-reduction training; skills-directed therapy; solution-focused questioning; speech restructuring;time-in management; triple-P positive parenting; warm-up,

-interpersonal therapy(IPT)    see: alternative responses; communication training; couple involvement; group; environmental change; externalise feelings & thoughts; interpersonal skills training; model; problem-solving;prolonged-grief therapy; relapse prevention; role play; role transition; social skills training; writing;

-interpretation    see:  dream interpretation; free association; interpreting defensesagainst unpleasant feelings;transference interpretation;  

-interpreting defensesagainst unpleasant feelings    see: affect-phobia reduction; analysis of conflicts & defenses; children; compromise formation; empathy expression; externalise feelings & thoughts; free association; play; process monitoring; reciprocal role procedures; resistance; transference interpretation;

-IPT    see: interpersonal therapy;

-job club method    see: role play, rehearsal, social skills training

-labelling    see: externalising thoughts & feelings

-laddering    see:inference chaining;cognitive restructuring

-laugh therapy

-letter therapy    see: e-therapy; reciprocal role procedure; writing

-letter to problem    see: writing

-life review (integrative reminiscence) therapy   see: externalize feelings & thoughts;family focused grief therapy;free association; mastery; meaning making; metaphor use;narrative exposure;perspective;positive psychology; reframe; solution-focused therapy; story telling;

-limit setting    see: parent training; time-boundary setting; triple-P positive parenting

-linking current, past and transference relationships (triangle of person)    see:cognitive restructuring;externalize feelings & thoughts; reframe; transference interpretation;

-logotherapy    see: paradoxical intention

-magic wand    see: miracle question  

-maintenance    see: relapse prevention;

-manual use    see: cool kids program;exposure, interoceptive;triple-P parenting program;

-massed (negative) practice    see: cognitive defusion; satiation;

-masturbatory conditioning    see: orgasmic conditioning

-mastery     see: alternative response; exposure;imagery rehearsal; imagery rescripting therapy; life review therapy; positive psychology; prolonged exposure counterconditioning;

-meaning making    see: empathy expression; family focused grief therapy;life review therapy;prolonged grief therapy;

-meditation    see: attention focusing; compassion-focused therapy;imago relationship therapy;mindfulness;

-mentalizing, promoting    see:alternative response; countertransference use;dream interpretation;externalize feelings & thoughts;socratic questioning;transference interpretation;  

-metacognitive therapy    see: attention focusing; children; cognitive restructuring; experiment;exposure; externalize feelings & thoughts;mindfulness;reframe; ritual prevention;socratic questioning;

-metaphor use    see:dream interpretation;expressed empathy; externalize feelings & thoughts; life review therapy; perspective;

-method of levels    see: attention focussing; attention training; free association; interpreting defenses;polarities experiential exercise; resistance; socratic questioning; thought catching;;

-metronome training    see: speech restructuring;

-mindfulness training    see: acceptance;attention focusing;behavioral activation; body skills training; breathing training; compassion-focused therapy; dialectical behavior therapy; exposure;group;homework; meditation;metacognitive therapy; relapse prevention; stimulus control of worry; task concentrationtraining; writing; 

-mindreading    see: cognitive restructuring

-miracle question    see: solution-focused questioning

-mirroring    see: feedback; imago relationship therapy;motivational enhancement therapy;motivational interviewing; psychodrama; reflection;

-modeling    see: assertiveness training;CAVE; cognitive defusion;cool kids; danger ideation reduction;guided mastery;habit reversal;interpersonal therapy;promoting resilience;ritual prevention;schema-focused emotive behavior therapy; speech restructuring;symbolic modeling;time-in management; triple-P positive parenting program; vicarious extinction/learning;

-moderated forum    see internet-based therapy;

-modifiying expectations    see:cognitive restructuring; reframe; ritual prevention;

-monitor    see homework; self-monitoring;        

-morita therapy    see: acceptance; arugamama; behavioral activation;cognitive restructuring; contingency management; couple/family involvement; diary keeping; education;

environmental change;exposure; group; homework; goal planning & attainment; problem solving; reframe; shaping; thinking-error correction; time out; writing;

-motivational enhancement therapy    see:decisional balance;education;empathy expression; feedback; externalize feelings & thoughts; motivational interviewing;  pros-&-cons review; reflection; reframe; values exploration; writing  

-motivational interviewing   see:behavioral activation;decisional balance;empathy expression;externalize feelings & thoughts; goal planning & attainment; homework; motivational enhancement therapy; positive psychology; pros-&-cons review;reflection; rolling with resistance; secondary-gain enquiry; successes enquiry; values exploration;  

-multiple exemplar training    see: assertiveness training; modeling; interpersonal skills training;

-narrative   see expressive writing therapy; family focused grief therapy; life review therapy; narrative exposure;

-narrative exposure    see:education;exposure; expressive writing therapy; imagery rehearsal; integrating memories; life review therapy; guided mourning; testimony therapy; writing;

-neurolinguistic programming

-nidotherapy    see:  environmental change; goal planning & attainment; problem-solving;

-omission training    see:instrumental/ conditioning;contingency management; time out;

-orgasmic (masturbatory) conditioning    see:

-overcorrection    see:sibling fighting reduction training;

-overevaluated shape & weight modification    see: weight control


-paradigmatic behavior therapy   

-paradoxical intention/prescription    see: exposure; logotherapy; symptom prescription; validate feelings;

-parent training    see:problem solving;promoting resilience; puppet play; self-control skills training; sibling-fighting-reduction training;self-control skills training;skills-directed therapy;sibling fighting-reduction training;skills-directed therapy;triple-P positive parenting;  

-personal-construct therapy     see: fixed-role therapy; repertory grid technique;

-perspective    see:assertiveness training;cognitive restructuring; distancing;family focused grief therapy; inflated-responsibility reduction; life review therapy; metacognitive therapy; metaphor use; reframe; self as context;well-being therapy;

-pie chart use    see:cognitive restructuring;inflated-responsibility reduction; probabilistic reasoning;reframe;

-play therapy    see: child interventions; free association;interpreting defenses;puppet play;

-pleasant activity scheduling    see: behavioral activation

-positive flooding    see:imago relationship therapy;

-positive practice     see: modeling;

-prioritise     see: goal planning

-positive psychology    see: couple therapy;family focused grief therapy; happiness intervention; imagery rehearsal therapy of nightmares;life review therapy;motivational interviewing; prolonged exposure counterconditioning; successes enquiry; triple-P parenting program; well-being therapy;

-positive reinforcement    see:contingency management

-postponing    see: scheduling; stimulus control of worry;

-power therapy

-probabilistic reasoning    see: cognitive restructuring; danger ideation reduction therapy; experiment; pie chart use; socratic questioning;

-problem-free talk    see: solution-focused questioning;

-problem solving    see: acceptance; assertiveness training;attention focusing; brainstorming; cognitive restructuring;couple therapy; dialectical behavior therapy; family focused grief therapy; goal planning & attainment; homework; interpersonal skills training; interpersonal therapy;morita therapy; nidotherapy; parent training; reframe; relaxation;role play;self-control skills training;skills-directed therapy;socratic questioning;solution-focused questioning;speech restructuring;stimulus control of worry; trade-offs analysis; triple-P positive parenting; well-being therapy;    

-problem identification/setting   see: goal planning;problem-solving

-process monitoring    see: free association; interpreting defenses against unpleasant feelings;

-programmed practice    see: experiment; exposure; homework; shaping; successive approximation; 

-progressive relaxation    see: applied relaxation; relaxation

-projection methods

-prolonged exposure counterconditioning   see:alternative responses; exposure; feedback; homework; imagery rehearsal; mastery; positive psychology; successes enquiry; well-being therapy;

-prolonged grief therapy    see: active listening; cognitive restructuring; contingency management;empathy expression; education;family focused grief therapy;goal planning & attainment; homework; interpersonal therapy; meaning making; reframe; respect;

-promoting resilience (social/emotional competence) in young children    see:body skills training; breathing training; contingency management; drawing; empathy expression; environmental change; exposure;FRIENDS; group; imagery rehearsal; interpersonal skills training; model; parent training; puppet play; reframe; relaxation; role play; shaping; social skills training; time-in management; warm-up;

-prompting    see: cueing

-pros-and-cons review   see: couple therapy; decisional balance; motivational enhancement therapy, motivational interviewing,

-psychoanalytic procedures    see: psychodynamic procedures

-psychodrama    see: becoming the other; concretize; double; exaggerate; experiment; imago relationship therapy; internalized-other interviewing; interpersonal skills training; mirror; role play; role reverse; share; two-chair technique; warm-up

-psychodynamic procedures    see: countertransference use; internalized-other interviewing; linking current, past and transference relationships; mentalising, promoting; metaphor use; reciprocal role procedures; repairing rupture; time-boundary setting; interpreting defenses; transference interpretation;

-public posting    see: aversion; contingency management; feedback; group; shame

-punishment    see: aversion; contingency management; omission training;

-puppet play to prepare children for surgery    see:education; externalize feelings & thoughts; modeling; parent training; play therapy; role play; social skills training;

-rational emotive therapy  see assertiveness training;cognitive restructuring; danger ideation reduction;

-rapid smoking     see: massed (negative) practice; satiation;

-rational emotive behavior therapy ……

-rational role play    see: paradoxical intention; rehearsal; psychodrama; reverse role play; role play;

-reciprocal inhibition    see: systematic desensitisation

-reevaluation counselling    see: co-therapy

-reciprocal inhibition    see: systematic desensitization;

-reciprocal role procedures, describing & changing    see:countertransference use; diary keeping; externalize feelings & thoughts; group; interpersonal skills training; interpreting defenses; reflect; reframe; therapist’s self-instruction; transference interpretation; writing; 

-reflection    see: imago relationship therapy; mirroring; motivational enhancement therapy;motivational interviewing;reciprocal role procedures;    

-reframe    see: cognitive defusion; cognitive restructuring; cool kids; coping cat; danger ideation reduction; dialectical behavior therapy; dream interpretation; family work for schizophrenia; fixed-role therapy; guided mourning; imagery rehearsal therapy; inflated-responsibility reduction;internalized-other interviewing;  life review therapy;  linking... relationships; metacognitive therapy; morita therapy;  motivational enhancement;pie-chart;problem solving; prolonged grief therapy; promoting resilience; reciprocal role procedures; repertory grid; schema-focused emotive behavior therapy; self as context;self-control skills training; skills-directed therapy;socratic questioning;thinking-error correction;transference interpretation; well-being therapy;      

-rehearsal   see: assertiveness training; cool kids; experiment; habit reversal;homework;imagery rehearsal; rehearsal relief; role play; self-praise training; skills-directed therapy;speech restructuring;

-rehearsal relief of nightmares    see: exposure; imagery rehearsal therapy; imagery rescripting;

-reinforcement (delayed, negative, positive, sampling, self)   see: contingency management; instrumental (operant) conditioning; punishment; reward;

-relabel: see reframe

-relapse prevention   see: habit reversal; harm reduction;interpersonal therapy; maintenance; mindfulness;ritual prevention;speech restructuring;

-relational enhancement    see: family focused grief therapy;

-relaxation    see: applied relaxation; attention focusing; autogenic training; body skills training; cool kids; cue-controlled relaxation; functional relaxation; habit reversal;imago relationship therapy; problem solving; progressive muscle relaxation;promoting resilience; self-control skills training;

-reminiscence therapy    see: life-review therapy; narrative exposure;

-repairing rupture    see:countertransference use;empathy expression;externalize feelings & thoughts;transference interpretation;    

-repertory grid technique    see: couple/family; externalise feelings & thoughts; feedback; fixed-role therapy; group; personal construct therapy; reframe; statistical analysis; transference interpretation; writing;

-resistance    see: free association; interpreting defenses;method of levels;motivational interviewing;

-respect    see: prolonged grief therapy;

-respiratory relief    see: aversion; contingency management;

-response cost     see: contingency management;

-response priming

-restricted environmental stimulation therapy    see: float tank therapy; sensory isolation

-response prevention    see: ritual prevention

-retention control training    see also bell & pad therapy; bladder-control training; child; contingency management; drybed/drypants training;

-reward   see: contingency management;

-ritual endorsement    see:family focused grief therapy;

-ritual (response) prevention   see:alternative response; contingency management; diary keeping; environment change; exposure; family; goal planning & attainment; homework;metacognitive therapy; maintenance; modeling;writing;

-role play   see: assertiveness training; community reinforcement approach; cool kids; coping cat; dialectical behavior therapy; empty chair technique; experiment; fixed-role therapy; habit reversal; imago relationship therapy; internalized-other interviewing; internet-based therapy; interpersonal therapy; problem solving; promoting resilience; psychodrama; puppet play; rational role play;rehearsal; role reversal; schema-focused emotive behavior therapy; self-praise training; skills-directed therapy; socratic questioning; speech restructuring;task concentrationtraining; time-in management; triple-P positive parenting; two-chair dialogue; 

-role reversal    see: psychodrama;

-role transition    see: interpersonal therapy;

-rolling with resistance   see: decisional balance; motivational interviewing; resistance; skills-directed therapy;   

-satiation    see: cognitive defusion; massed (negative) practice; rapid smoking;

-scheduling    see: stimulus control of worry;

-schema-focused emotive behavior therapy    see:cognitive restructuring;corrective experience; dream discussion; education; externalise feelings & thoughts; group; interpersonal skills training; modeling; reframe; role play; transference interpretation;

-schema-focused therapy    see: cognitive restructuring;emotion-focused therapy; externalise feelings & thoughts; homework; schema-focused emotive behavior therapy;

-secondary-gain analysis     see:decisional balance; motivational interviewing;

-self as context   see: attention focusing;externalize feelings & thoughts; perspective; reframe; writing;

-self-aversion/desensitization/punishment etc       see: aversion; desensitization; punishment;

-self-control skills training    see: acceptance;alternative response; attention focusing; body skills training; child therapy; cognitive restructuring; contingency management; diary keeping; dialectical behavior therapy; education; externalize feelings & thoughts; homework; imagery rehearsal; problem-solving; reframe; parent training; relaxation; writing;

-self-help    see: aversion therapy, self; CAVE; computer-aided exposure; contingency management; exposure, self; reinforcement, self;self-control skills training; self-instruction;self-monitoring;

-self-instructional/statement training    see: cognitive restructuring; self-control skills training;

-self-monitoring/observation   see: externalizing feelings & thoughts; homework; triple-P positive parenting; 

-self-praise training   see: assertiveness training; contingency management;, homework; interpersonal skills training; rehearsal; role play;social skills training;

-semantic satiation    see: cognitive defusion; satiation;

-sensate focus#  ……….

-sensitivity training    see: group; interpersonal skills training; social skills training;

-sensory extinction    see: evoked response arousal + sensitisation;

-sensory isolation therapy    see: restricted environmental stimulation therapy; float tank therapy;

-sex therapy    see: couple therapy; orgasmic conditioning; sensate focus;

-shadowing    see: speech restructuring;

-shame aversion    

-shaping    see: assertiveness training;attention training; experiment; exposure, interoceptive & live; habit reversal; morita therapy; speech restructuring; successive approximation; task concentration training; token economy; well-being therapy;

-share     see:psychodrama;

-sibling fighting-reduction training    see: child therapy; contingency management;interpersonal skills training; parent training;

-skills-directed therapy    see:cognitive restructuring; contingency management;dialectical behavior therapy; diary keeping; drawing; education; environmental change;  externalize feelings & thoughts; homework; imagery rehearsal; interpersonal skills training; parent training; problem-solving; reframe; rehearsal; role play;

-sleep hygiene.

-slow motion therapy    see: feedback

-social skills training    see: anger management; assertiveness training; couple therapy; dialectical behavior therapy; family focused grief therapy; family work for schizophrenia;fixed-role therapy;  imago relationship therapy; internet-based therapy;interpersonal skills training; interpersonal therapy;mentalizing, promoting; method of levels; promoting resilience; puppet play; rehearsal; role play; self-praise training; triple-P positive parenting;

-socratic listening

-socratic questioning    see: cognitive restructuring; couple therapy; danger ideation reduction; externalize feelings & thoughts; goal planning & activity; imagery rescripting; mentalizing promotion; metacognitive therapy; method of levels; problem-solving; reframing; role-play; solution-focused questioning; therapeutic alliance;thinking-error correction

-solution-focused questioning    see: contingency management; exposure; feedback; free association; goal planning & attainment; homework; interpersonal skills training; miracle question; problem-free talk; problem-solving;socratic questioning; successes enquiry; successive approximation; well-being therapy;

-speech restructuring therapy    see: body skills training; breathing training; cognitive restructuring; exposure; feedback; homework; interpersonal skills training; modeling; problem-solving; relapse prevention; role play; shaping;    

-statistical analysis    see:repertory grid technique;  

-Stepping Stones    see:triple-P positive parenting;

-stimulus control of worry    see: applied relaxation; attention focusing;cognitive restructuring; community reinforcement approach; delay;distraction; exposure;externalize feelings & thoughts; goal planning & attainment;group; homework;mindfulness; postponing; problem solving; scheduling; thought-stopping; writing;

-story telling    see: life review therapy; narrative; narrative exposure;

-stress immunisation/inoculation/management    see: cognitive restructuring; exposure; mindfulness; relaxation

-successes enquiry    see:motivational interviewing; prolonged exposure counterconditioning; solution-focused questioning;

-successive approximation    see: assertiveness training; attention focusing; experiment; exposure; homework; shaping; solution-focused questioning;

-symptom prescription    see: paradoxical intention;

-systematic desensitization    see: counterconditioning;  exposure; reciprocal inhibition; relaxation

-systemic therapy    see: couple/family involvement; couple therapy;

-task concentration training    see:active listening;attention focusing;attention training; diary keeping; education;exposure; externalize feelings & thoughts; goal planning & attainment; group;homework;mindfulness; role play;shaping; writing;

-Tchudi’s ABC    see: decisional balance; fixed-role therapy;

-teacher training    see: child interventions; environmental change; triple-P positive parenting;

-testimony therapy    see:life reminiscence therapy;narrative exposure;

-therapeutic alliance    see:expressed empathy;repairing rupture;socratic questioning;

-therapeutic relationship    see: therapeutic alliance; transference interpretation;  

-therapist’s self-instruction    see:empathy dots;reciprocal role procedures;time-boundary setting & interpreting;

-thinking-error correction    see: cognitive restructuring; morita therapy;

-thought catching    see: method of levels;

-thought disruption    see: cognitive defusion;

-thought stopping    see: stimulus control of worry; thought disruption;

-thoughts (absolute/all-or-none/automatic/dichotomous/black & white/catastrophising) correction    see:cognitive restructuring; morita therapy; reframe;

-time-boundary setting & interpreting    see:countertransference use;externalize feelings & thoughts; therapist’s self-instruction;

-time-in management    see: child therapy; contingency management; environmental change; group; interpersonal skills training; modeling; role play;

-time management    see: goal planning & attainment;

-time out    see: contingency management; morita therapy; time-in management; token economy; triple-P positive parenting; token economy;

-time-out ribbon    see:time-in management;

-token economy    see: contingency management; contracting; environmental change; goal planning & attainment; homework; shaping; time out;

-trade-offs analysis    see:decisional balance;problem solving;

-transactional analysis    see: communication training

-transfer of training    see: generalization; relapse prevention;

-transference interpretation    see: cognitive restructuring; countertransference use;dream discussion; externalize feelings & thoughts; free association;interpreting defenses;linking …relationships; mentalizing, promoting; reciprocal role procedures; reframe;repairing rupture; repertory grid; schema-focused emotive behavior therapy;  

-triangle of person    see: linking current, past & transference relationships;

-triple-P positive parenting program    see: active listening; ask-say-do; assertiveness training; attention focusing; contingency management; diary keeping; education; environmental change; Family Transitions; goal planning & attainment; group; home observation; interpersonal skills training; modeling; parent training; problem solving;role play; self-monitoring;social skills training;Stepping Stones;time out;

-triumphant imagery     see: imagery rescripting;

-twelve step therapy  

-two-chair dialogue     see: becoming the other; dialogue; empathy expression;experiment; externalize feelings & thoughts; gestalt therapy; group; imagery rescripting;psychodrama; role play;

-validate feelings    see: compassion-focused therapy; empathy expression; group;guided mourning; imago relationship therapy; paradoxical intention;

-values exploration & construction    see:attention focusing;experiential exercise; externalize feelings & thoughts; goal planning & attainment; homework; imagery rehearsal;motivational enhancement therapy; motivational interviewing;

-vicarious extinction    see: exposure;modeling;

-word association    see: free association; externalize feelings & thoughts;

-working through    see:  grief therapy;

-warm-up exercises    see: assertiveness training; high-energy fun; imago relationship therapy; promoting resilience; psychodrama;

-weight control

-well-being therapy    see:assertiveness training;behavioral activation;cognitive restructuring; compassion-focused therapy; diary keeping;externalise feelings & thoughts;goal planning & attainment; happiness intervention; homework; perspective; positive psychology; problem solving;prolonged exposure counterconditioning; reframe;shaping; solution-focused questioning;

-working through    see: emotion-focused therapy; grief therapy; 

-writing    see: diary keeping; drawing; expressive writing therapy; externalize feelings & thoughts; fixed-role therapy; guided mourning; harm reduction; imagery rehearsal; inflated- responsibility reduction; interpersonal therapy;mindfulness;morita therapy;motivational enhancement;motivational interviewing; narrative exposure; reciprocal role procedures;repertory grid;repairing rupture; ritual prevention; self as context;self-control skills training;stimulus control of worry;task concentration training;